A few of my favorite things..

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A few months before I was first told that gluten was basically poison to me, I had just been starting to really enjoy baking. Paula Deen and I were basically homies. So after Celiac entered into my life, I quickly went online and searched out recipes and how-to blogs to find the perfect gluten free baking solutions. After about an hour of intense research, I remember vividly saying to my husband that I would just have to give up baking because this was WAY too complicated for my liking. 
Fast forward 2 years later, and I am happy to say that baking and cooking gluten free no longer scares me. I have found that there is indeed life after our lovely little friend Cecil Celiac becomes our new "homie." 
....Now, I just need to really stress that I am NOT a professional by any stretch of the imagination, and I also haven't tried making my own GF bread yet, so take all of this for what you will! 
In 2 or 3 posts, I will share with you some of the products that have saved me these last 2 years. I cant count how many times I have had a friend who has celiac, or knows someone who was recently diagnosed with celiac, ask me what my favorite products are, where to dine out, etc. Here are a few from that list to start out with:

Sweet Cakes Bakery 
-Kaysville, Ut. 
This divine bakery just so happens to be right up the street from my mom's house (who is also the author of this book!). When my nephew Gabe and I were diagnosed, we decided to give it a whirl. I can summarize how I feel about this GF Bakery in 3 little words. IT.IS.AWESOME.  Seriously.. Bob's GF mixes dont even TOUCH their baked goods. No aftertaste. Yummy, moist breads and goodies (cookies included.. mmmmmm). Flour mixes. They also sell their own Xanthan Gum. You can order it all online. 

Since I dont live in Utah, I order their Master Mix (GF flour mix) online and it comes with 3 bags that weigh 2lbs each. It is worth every penny!! I use it to not only make the obvious cookie or cake, but also pancakes, batter for anything fried, making roux's for soups or sauces, ....the possibilities are endless! I cant count how many times my husband has to ask me if our dinner is GF when I use Sweet Cakes. It just taste that good! ...And trust me on this one, my husband does not pretend to like anything GF for my sake! He can almost always tell a difference when I use other flours or mixes, but not with Sweet Cakes! Find their website HERE

Mariposa, Artisan Crafted Gluten Free Bakery & Cafe 

-Oakland, CA
This place is INSANELY good!! They are a Gluten free bakery located in the Bay Area, which lucky for me, is right up the street from my house! I discovered them through a local pizzeria that offers a GF crust. After a phenomenal pizza, I called them up and asked them if they make their own crust or get it from somewhere else, and they directed me to Mariposa. I am eternally grateful they did! I have gone to their little shop multiple times and have craved it basically from the moment I leave the store.. I just want more! Pizza crusts, bread, ROLLS (oh my goodness, these are the best EVER), donuts, cupcakes, cookies, fresh fettucini!! (SOO amazing!! I seriously got teary-eyed when I made fettucini alfredo with their noodles. I was just so happy to have that beautiful taste in my mouth again!) and so much more. Find their website HERE

This is definitely not my complete list of favorite gluten free secrets, but its a good start and these 2 bakeries definitely will not disappoint! Check back within the next few days for a new recipe I tried tonight off of my pinterest: "Crock Pot Chicken Cordon Bleu" made GF of course! Mmmmm... As well as more of my favorite GF products! 

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