I got this recipe off of my pinterest HERE and, granted, mine doesnt look as pretty as the pictures from the original pinner, it tasted goooo ooood. Here are some steps I took to make a gluten free version:
First off, for the batter I used Sweet Cake's Master Mix flour, and as always, it worked perfectly.
Secondly, I added some spices to the flour mixture that are my current favorite for chicken season:
Chili powder
McCormick's Montreal Chicken
(Their Montreal Steak is AWESOME for beef)
I also used salt and pepper and garlic powder.
Then I gave it a whisk~
Now, for the cream sauce, she recommends one cup of milk and one cup of cream. I just used 2 cups of half and half and it turned out great. I also added some chopped asparagus to add some green... twas a good decision.
After they were done, I added some simple frozen peas for a side dish, and voila! Dinner is served.
After all is said and done, I had A. TON. of sauce left over. So I bagged it up and stuck it in my freezer. Just think of how nice it will be to just thaw this yummy cheese sauce out and use for... well... anything! The possibilities are endless.
As you can see, this isn't a complete recipe, just tips and tweaks from my own version. Gluten free can be just as good, if not better than "normal" food! You just have to start getting your hands dirty and seeing what works best for you through trial and error. This recipe was great and was fairly easy! There was more prep work than usual with crock pot meals, but I think it was worth it and we will definitely be eating this again over at my place!